JobOnTop.be is the channel to attract candidates for flexi-, extra-, student or seasonal jobs. Together with Jobkitchen.be and Jobhotel.be, this jobsite is the absolute reference to attract strong personnel!
What do we do?
- Creation of personalised advertisements
- Online within 24 hours
- With logo and photo
- Publication of company film (if available)
- Job vacancy remains online on JobOnTop.be for 6 weeks
- Job applications sent directly to your mailbox
Submitting an advertisement
You can submit a job vacancy via one of the following options:
- Online
- Mail: info@jobontop.be
- By telephone: 03/4494531 or 0471/111.000
- SMS: 0471/111.000
- Via an account (packages only)

Choose a custom menu
Package 1
Placement of 1 job vacancy
Online for 6 weeks
Direct mailing
Job alert activation
Facebook Top 5
Personal company profile
Company logo on homepage
Login account
€ 149
Package 5
Placement of 5 job vacancies - within 6 months
Online for 6 weeks
Direct mailing
Job alert activation
Facebook Top 5
Personal company profile
Company logo on homepage
Login account
€ 599
Package 10
Placement of 10 job vacancies - within 1 year
Online for 6 weeks
Direct mailing
Job alert activation
Facebook Top 5
Personal company profile
Company logo on homepage
Login account
€ 999
+ €90.-
- Sponsored ad on Facebook
- Banner on homepage (3 days)
- Instagram post
- Instagram story with swipe up
- Lazy Monday App listing
- Google for jobs (not yet operational)
Terms and conditions
* The ‘5’ and ‘10’ discount packages cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts or agency commission.
* The package that you purchase in the discount bundle must be used up within the anticipated period; this period cannot be extended.
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